February 2012 Developer Force Newsletter
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It's all about Cloudstock!
Cloudstock returns bigger and better on March 15th. Join us at this 1-day free developer conference and learn best practices on how to develop apps that are social, mobile,
and real-time with Force.com, Heroku, Database.com, Chatter, and Siteforce. We’ll also have host some of the leading cloud service providers like Amazon, Twilio, GitHub, Adobe PhoneGap, Spring, Box, Loggly, Cloudspokes, Klout, StackMob, and New Relic.
Access reference documentation, core articles, and
tools in our Technical Library.
Tweets from Followers
@michaelforce: @forcedotcom FunFact: you can use merge fields in CSS on #visualforce pages, e.g. .myClass{ width: {!record.percentage__c}%; }
@bpemble: Wrote a long, complicated #forcedotcom trigger. Tested it out. Worked on the first try. Booyah!
@jamesloghry: It's the small things in life, like getting your Eclipse Problems view down to 0 problems / warnings. #forcedotcom
Hot Discussions
Visit the Force.com discussion boards for more information,
tips, and solutions on a variety of topics.
Creating a Custom Detail Page Button
- solved by Trusted Contributor TrimbleAg
Community Profile Highlight
Tim Inman is a Sr. software developer at Facebook with extensive experience in Force.com application architecture and development. Tim is probably best known for his technical blog, but you also may be familiar with him from his extensive use of Twitter as a way of disseminating new ideas and information. Tim is a certified Salesforce Consultant, Developer and Advanced Developer, with over 10 years of developing applications in the cloud.
February 2012 Issue
Calendar of Events  
Philadelphia Force.com User
    Group (PhillyForce) Meetup
RTP Force.com User
    Group Meetup
Wisconsin Force.com
    Developer User Group
Success Stories
Inspiring stories about applications
built on Force.com.
builds next-generation mobile apps with Force.com that clean up the competition.
rolls out a global platform and social capabilities in ⅓ the time and at ½ the cost with Force.com.
App of the Month
Concurforce — Expense Management for Salesforce simplifies travel & expense management on the go.
Job Skills
Are you an experienced Force.com developer interested in rebuilding a .Net application in Force.com? Check out this listing and more on our Job Boards. You can also find success on the AppExchange, by promoting their development experience on the site.
Jobs board
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Hot Last Month
Congratulations to our newest Force.com MVPs! Please join us in congratulating them.
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